Artistic single moms are enrolling in the Art Institutes, where they learn to integrate advanced technology with brilliant art to create the high-powered web content of the future.
Curricula at The Art Institutes especially prepare single moms to capitalize on major advances in social networking. For example, Facebook recently announced that its designers and engineers plan to link FB with the best of everything all over the internet. When you click that you like something, Facebook will build-in links so that all your friends can go directly to your favorite sites. FB also will add a new "recommend" feature, and its architects anticipate that soon you will be able to show when you're visiting a favorite bar or café with a feature similar to "foursquare" on your smartphone. Moms studying graphics and design at the Institutes are learning how to capture popular destinations' special appeal in captivating interactive designs. Imaginative single moms also are learning to integrate animation and video with other online media, promoting viewers' engagement with their work.
At The Art Institutes, talented single moms can perfect their command of...
· The Fundamentals: Sketching, drawing, and painting- At The Institutes, promising single moms develop their proficiency with the time-honored tools of their art-pencils, charcoals, brushes and paints. Working under the supervision and guidance of well-credentialed faculty who earn their living as full-time artists, students learn all about tint, hue, line, shape, shadow, and perspective.
· Principles of layout and design-At The Art Institutes, students learn how to translate theories and traditions into their own post-modern works of art. Developing their eye for balance, proportion, and detail, ambitious moms work with The Art Institutes' distinguished faculty to master the basics and then cultivate their own distinctive visions and styles.
· Computer-generated art and animation-Faculty at the Institutes recognize the role of advanced technology in twenty-first century commercial arts, and they acknowledge its influence in the production of fine art works. Therefore, the faculty guide ambitious single moms as they learn to adapt and transfer art in different media for a variety of computer applications. At The Art Institutes, students become exceptionally proficient with stylus pads, and they become experts with all the features in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
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